Thank you for sharing in our guest book! Entries are reviewed by our administrator before posting. Bless you and thank you again.
141 entries.
Mariluz Columbo
Newark, NJ
wrote on January 30, 2024
1:18 pm
Thank you for making resources available so that all can work together towards a healthy planet with justice for Gods creation.
Thank you for making resources available so that all can work together towards a healthy planet with justice for Gods creation.... Collapse
Lawrence Phillip Cafasso
River Val
wrote on November 20, 2023
11:06 am
My Parish drawing on All Saints Day, I drew St. Kateri as my patron Saint
My Parish drawing on All Saints Day, I drew St. Kateri as my patron Saint... Collapse
Attended All Saints Day mass, as our church displayed relics and asked our priest where my relic was. Knowing we didn’t have one but he said he would love to have one. So I went looking and found your website.
Attended All Saints Day mass, as our church displayed relics and asked our priest where my relic was. Knowing we didn’t have one but he said he would love to have one. So I went looking and found your website.... Collapse
Admin Reply by: admin
Bless you. I hope you can find a relic. Even without one, Saint Kateri is always around you.
Bless you. I hope you can find a relic. Even without one, Saint Kateri is always around you.... Collapse