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Guest Book

Thank you for sharing in our guest book! Entries are reviewed by our administrator before posting. Bless you and thank you again.

141 entries.
Sam Benz Sam Benz wrote on June 4, 2022 at 5:58 pm
Thank you so much for your work! You guys are the BEST!
Thank you so much for your work! You guys are the BEST!... Collapse
Admin Reply by: admin
Bless you, Sam!
Bless you, Sam!... Collapse
peg musegades peg musegades from Eden prairie wrote on May 8, 2022 at 4:06 pm
Thank you for the beautiful story and history lesson. The new adventure sounds perfect in following the message of Laudato Si.
Thank you for the beautiful story and history lesson. The new adventure sounds perfect in following the message of Laudato Si.... Collapse
Admin Reply by: admin
Bless you, Peg!
Bless you, Peg!... Collapse
Lily Mollencott Lily Mollencott from NEWTOWN PA wrote on May 7, 2022 at 11:33 am
THANK YOU JESUS FOR ST. KATERI !!!!!!!!!!!!!!... Collapse
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