Coming soon, our new Parish Arks program!



We are a national Catholic nonprofit that promotes faith, ecology, biodiversity, and climate resilience.


We envision a faithful, loving home on Earth for all people and the whole of God’s creation.


We are Catholic professional ecologists, natural resource managers, and educators providing specialized guidance, tailored conservation planning, land protection strategies, and education on integral ecology, biodiversity, and climate resilience within the framework of our Catholic faith.


Saint Kateri Habitats

Register your backyard, garden, church, school, meadow, forest, farm, or other Catholic-stewarded land as healthy habitat for people and wildlife.

Parish Arks

Our Parish Arks Initiative invites parishes to be "mini arks" of biodiversity, drawing inspiration from Noah's Ark and Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant.

Catholic Ecology Library

We offer an extensive online collection of Catholic quotes and documents about ecology and the environment from faithful Catholic sources.

Indigenous Peoples Program

We connect Catholic land stewards with the Indigenous Peoples who lived on the land for thousands of years, to cultivate traditional crops and medicinal plants.

Catholic Land Trust

We are a conservation land trust that protects land and water by acquiring land and conservation easements, including grasslands, forests, wetlands, streams, and farms.


Renew Catholic faith by deepening connections with God and fostering harmonious relationships with each other and all of creation.

Conserve 30% of Catholic parish open land and water for the well-being of people, biodiversity, and climate resilience, through faith, rewilding, restoration, and land conservation.

Create at least one Saint Kateri Habitat in every parish in the USA. With more than 17,000 parishes and 60 million Catholics in the country, the potential for Catholic conservation is vast.